miercuri, 27 martie 2013

As Real as Math Talk

This post is in no way to be taken as absolute truth, its content is merely a sample of my own personal considerations and is therefore subject to error.

We have established in a previous post that physical experience, not the physical universe itself, mind you, but the subjective experience of the physical world, is the result of an encoded communication process, from God, a.k.a. the Mind of the universe, to consciousness, may it be human, animal or maybe even vegetal or some other sort, if applicable.

In this communication process, God acts as Encoder (the Father), Code a.k.a. Logos (the Son) and Decoder (the Holy Spirit).

As in all communication processes, The Encoder always remains hidden and inaccessible directly, but all information originates from Him. However, one doesn’t have access to His ideas or thoughts unless the Encoder expresses them, using language or code.

The Code that the Father uses is the Logos, who is also God the Son. The Father uses the Logos to think and He uses the Logos to speak. The Logos contains, implicitly, every single thought that the Father has ever thought and will ever think and, explicitly, every single word that the Father has ever uttered and will ever utter, in eternity and in history, therefore the information contained within Him is infinite, even though its exterior expression can be finite.

This, by the way, I think, is the reason why God’s best creation may always be something yet to come, not something which already exists. The implicit Logos is infinitely vaster than the explicit Logos and, if God is the ceaseless creator par excellence, then He is also the greatest mystic in existence and a true mystic to existence itself, since He always keeps the best of Him inside, as a project of things to be. Thus, even though the implicit and the explicit Logos are, ultimately, one and the same thing (the language of the Father), the latter constantly enriches its content by drawing on the former, as God creates by speaking up His mind.

However, the Code, the Logos, cannot be understood by consciousness without a proper Decoder – the Holy Spirit. He is the One who makes the Code accessible to living creatures and, also, probably limits the extent to which the Code can be understood, within a certain framework. For instance, an electron may be an electron in this universe because the Decoder translates it as an electron, but, in another dimension, the same electron may be translated as something different to creatures inhabiting that dimension, because the Holy Spirit discloses to them much more of the Logos than He does to beings living in this three dimensional universe or maybe much less or perhaps He just chooses a different meaning altogether, changing the very paradigm of interpretation.

So, even though the expressed Logos of the Father is the same for all creatures, eternal and unchanged, the difference is made by how much of it is being conveyed to living things by the Holy Spirit, within a particular category of interpretation and, of course, by the diversity of these categories across all of creation, in space-time and beyond.

The term “consciousness”, in the context of this post, does not necessarily imply self-awareness, but it does require sensory organs of some sort, by which living organisms perceive and assess the physical environment and turn that perception into an experience, however rudimentary or sophisticated it may be. Remember, I include all living and experiencing things here, from bacteria to humans and inter-dimensional aliens.

To get to know a property of an object means to use your sensory organs which, in my own viewpoint, is equivalent to requesting information about that property, straight from the Mind of the universe, who always delivers the information on a need-to-know basis and within a universe-specific framework only.

Hence, it follows that there would be a polysemy of the Logos in each of the possible universes, depending on the decoding performed by the Holy Spirit onto the living creatures inside those universes.

Everything that is perceived within a given physical universe is the result of a dialog between God and living creatures, whereby creatures request information about the properties of objects by voluntarily or involuntarily using their sensory organs as well as purposely using their free will to look into things, whereas God sets the limits of what can be requested but not of the amount requested (by defining and limiting what our senses can sense but not restricting our free will from knowing what can be known) and also delivers the requested information back to the living creatures.

The mathematical description of what I think is the process of the Logos, decoding into subjective physical experience, can be found below and is consistent with every single quantum physics experiment performed so far, including, but not limited to, the double-slit experiment, John A. Wheeler’s delayed choice experiment as well as the delayed choice quantum eraser experiment (check Wikipedia for them). Bear with me, this might be a little too technical for some readers but, in the end, may prove to be a fun and revealing manner of saying things, using the very language of God, which is and always has been mathematics:


“z” is an idea from the infinite and implicit Logos, the unspoken thoughts of God. It is infinite because there is no boundary to what God can think; “z” can never be the empty set “Ø”, it’s always something rather than nothing.

“w” is a choice variable, representing whether or not God chooses to communicate His ideas into a Platonic concept / property or, in other terms, to put His thoughts into “spoken word”.

“L” is the Logos function, its result determines whether or not an idea of God will become a Platonic concept, such as a purely abstract property (e.g. location, spin etc.).

“n” is the total number of ideas that God has about the properties of a particular object and which God may or may not speak into existence in order to turn them into the abstract properties of that object. 

“S” is the function’s co-domain and the domain of all the Platonic concepts ever created by God, by “speaking up” His mind, outside space-time. Another term for it would be “explicit Logos”.


“y” is a choice variable, representing whether or not God chooses to allow knowledge of one property of something. One means we are allowed to know “L(zj)” – a particular Platonic concept, a particular ideal property of an object, zero means we aren’t.

“L” and “n” have been explained previously.

“P” is the Property function, its result determines whether or not “L(zj)” – the Platonic property – will potentially come into being as an actual property of a concrete object in the physical universe. However, the coming into being inside the physical world doesn’t have to be mandatory, but only possible. The effective emergence of that property as a concrete one depends on whether or not consciousness gets to know it sooner or later. 

“K” is the “P” function’s co-domain and the domain of all the abstract knowledgeable properties which an object of the physical universe has.


“x” is a choice variable, representing whether or not consciousness receives knowledge of a knowledgeable property, either by accident or as a result of manifesting a choice to know. One means consciousness gets to know that property, zero means it doesn’t.

“P” and “n” have been explained previously.

“F” is the informational function of the physical object. It is expressed as the sum of all knowledgeable properties of that object, which have already been made known at the moment when “F” is being computed or will be made known to consciousness in the future. This past, present or future knowledge is what makes the abstract Platonic property come into being as a concrete property of an object inside the physical universe ever since the Big Bang, regardless of whether or not the moment of its being known to consciousness has arrived yet, provided that it certainly will, sooner or later, in the timeline of the physical universe.

“E” represents the “F” function’s co-domain and the domain of all existing concrete properties of just that individual physical object, namely those knowledgeable properties which have or will come to be known to consciousness.

“R” is the informational function of the physical universe or what is commonly known as experienced reality. It is expressed as the sum of all the informational functions of individual physical objects.

“F”, “P” and “n” have been explained previously.

“m” is the total number of objects which God thinks about, regardless of whether or not He ever speaks their properties into existence in order to turn them into abstract properties, ready to be known to consciousness and, thus, later on turned into concrete properties of those objects, within the physical reality.

“U” is the experienced physical universe, the “R” function’s co-domain and the domain of all the objects of the physical reality, which can be known and have been known, up to the moment of time when “R” is being computed, or will be known, at a future time. It is expressed as the sum of all domains of all existing concrete properties of individual physical objects, which have come into being ever since the Big Bang, regardless of whether or not these properties have already been brought to our knowledge, provided that they certainly will, sooner or later, in the timeline of the physical universe.

        In the worst case scenario, this sum can be expressed as the empty set “Ø” and the corresponding reality would be one where no object has ever been known by any hypothetical experiencing creature, either because nobody was interested in looking at it or there was never any opportunity to observe it by accident or God decreed that it was never supposed to be known or He simply never spoke its properties into abstract existence.

Rejoicing at the fact that our physical reality is not one such barren wasteland, devoid of content, I keep thinking of all the other universes that haven’t come into existence and feel so privileged to be part of one who has been granted this gift. But whenever you watch in awe at the wonders of our enormous cosmic home, keep this in the back of your mind: the best of God is always yet to come!

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